A Healthy Relationship

Are you wondering how to have or help your teen have a good relationship? We have a DVD series available called “Love Lessons ~ Purity is Possible” by Pam Stenzel. This curriculum is faith based and easy to use and present.

Purity is Possible

Today’s teens have not been told the whole truth about the consequences of their choices when it comes to sex! The culture hands them a daily dose of sex through music, television, movies, internet, social sites, and texts while never showing the devastation that sex outside of marriage leaves behind.

This is a four part DVD series that also comes with a leader’s guide on CDrom with reproducible handouts for students. This series is a fantastic teaching tool for churches, youth groups, teen bible studies and christian schools!

  • Lesson 1: “The High Cost of Free Love” (run time 54:44)
    Pregnancy isn’t the only consequence of sex outside of marriage. What dangers face young people in an era of the highest sexually transmitted disease epidemic in history?
  • Lesson 2: Will you accept this rose? – The Bachelor Myth (run time 46:49)
    Everyone wants to be loved, but does sex actually meet the deepest desires of our heart? Does giving all of yourself; body, soul, and spirit, outside of marriage produce scars that are more than physical?
  • Lesson 3: The slow fade – A look at the “sin cycle” (run time 31:52)
    No one wakes up one day and says “I think I will ruin my life, future marriage and hurt those that love me most today!” Sin creeps up on us, it is in the daily compromises and lack of attention, that we find ourselves “trapped” in the cycle of sin.
  • Lesson 4: The four chairs ( run time 36:59)
    Every choice we make, big or small, either builds our character or destroys it. We will take a look at our maturity, gauge our progress and see if there is room for us to work on becoming the man or woman of God, that He desires us to be.

We are happy to make this resource available for use by:

  • Church Youth Groups
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Pastors
  • Homeschooling Parents and/or groups





For more information about this resource and how we can make it available to you, call 208-267-1491, email us. BlessedBeginningBF@gmail.com or send us a message from our Facebook Page